
Hi, I’m Beth.

Introductions are always tricky. So let’s just skip over the awkward stuff (don’t worry I’ll have plenty awkward situations to blog about in the future) but for now I’ll answer some generic, but crowd pleasing questions about myself.

What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer?
What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer?
What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer?
What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer?
If you had to give up a favorite food, which would be the most difficult to give up? – See more at:

Are you a morning or a night person? I am definitely a morning person. I have to wake up for school at 5:30 so I have to go to bed fairly early. Even though it’s the summer I can’t sleep in past 7:30.

What are your pet peeves? This list could go on forever but I’ll narrow it down to my top 3. 1). Listening to people eat. 2). Bad grammar or people who text like this: “r u going 2 b there 2?” 3). When people are late.

What are you favorite hobbies? I love to bake, cook, and run. But now that it’s summer my list of hobbies extends with all the extra time. I have now added learning Spanish (with Rosetta Stone), becoming more flexible with yoga and stretching, and learning more about my Nikon DSLR camera.

What is your favorite thing to do during the summer? I love laying out while listening to Pandora and reading a book. It’s what I look forward to every summer.

What is one food that you never want to try again? I have tried so many times to like coconut but I just can’t do it. Almond Joys and Mounds always look so good but I can’t get through the first bite.

What is one item that you should throw away but never will? My baby blanket. My brother gave it to my when I was about a year old and I’ve had it ever since and still sleep with it. It’s ratty and raggity but I can’t part with it.

What is the most listened to song on your iTunes? “Lake Michigan” by Rogue Wave

What chore do you absolutely hate doing? I hate folding laundry. I repeat. I. HATE. FOLDING. LAUNDRY.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? The best gift I’ve ever received was a diamond necklace, that belonged to my grandmother, for my college gradation. The diamond was from her engagement ring that she turned into a necklace. She gave it to me personally at our family reunion and it means so much to me.

What is one of your favorite quotes? “May the bridges I burn light the way.”

What was the first thing you bought with your own money? I bought a new car with my own money. Specifically, a 2007 black Jeep Compass when I was 19 and a sophomore in college. Looking back it was not the best idea.

What story does your family always tell about you? I played T-Ball for one summer and I cried during every game because I was hot and sweaty. But in my defense, our uniforms were ALL BLACK and we played during the summer.

Well, I think that’s enough questions for now. So what do you think, can we be follow friends? Thanks for reading.



  1. If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?

– See more at:

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